Chad Westover Utah
Chad Westover Utah House District 42

For Utah House District 42

Chad Westover Family

Chad on the Issues


With decades in the sector, I’m resolute about curbing soaring healthcare costs. Confident in sound policies and strong leadership, we’ll untangle system inefficiencies. Leveraging my expertise and Utah values, I’m committed to cutting taxpayer expenses, especially in Medicaid, while enhancing accessibility and maintaining Utah’s healthcare quality.


As an advocate for excellence, I believe education is success’s bedrock. Ensuring Utah students access quality education is my mission. Empowering educators, parents, and students, I aim for a communal education effort. I’ll establish incentives, recognizing teachers’ extraordinary efforts in igniting students’ passion for learning.

Utah Economy


As your GOP Endorsed candidate for the Utah House of Representatives, I am committed to keeping our taxes low and ensuring financial stability for our community. I understand the burden rising property taxes place on families, and I will work tirelessly to control these increases. Additionally, I am dedicated to removing the tax on Social Security benefits, allowing our seniors to retain more of their hard-earned money..


Compassionately addressing homelessness means ensuring mental health services access. Reviewing licensure regulations addresses care provider shortages. Expanding resources is vital, and sustainable solutions must uplift the homeless with dignity.

Free Speech

Free SPeech

Higher education’s essence is the robust exchange of ideas. Dedicated to fostering environments where free speech thrives, students critically assess diverse perspectives, forming their informed viewpoints without silencing dissent.

Oppose Federal Overreach

As your representative, I’ll staunchly oppose federal overreach. Echoing Jefferson, governance closest to the people serves best. The 10th Amendment delineates federal power limits, reserving rights to states—I’ll ensure Utah’s sovereignty is respected.



I stand firmly in the belief that every life, whether born or unborn, is precious and deserves every opportunity to thrive. My prolife position is unwavering, and I am dedicated to advocating for policies that support life at every stage, along with the necessary care and resources for both mothers and children.

Air Quality

Air Quality

Utah’s air quality concerns us all. Solutions lie in education and personal responsibility, inspiring individual and community actions for market-led improvements, not imposing governmental mandates.


I am not supportive of the gondola in Little Cottonwood County for the following reasons:

    1. Cost: $1b+ going to serve a small number of people and two private resorts is not efficient.
    2. Effectiveness. The gondola will travel 12mph max. If your car is able to go faster, you’ll probably take your car — defeating the purpose of building the gondola.
    3. No public support. The state of Utah should never impede on the rights and voice of citizens in a respective community it wants to help.


Former Governor Herbert Endorses Chad Westover for District 42

Endorsed by Governor Gary Herbert

“Despite the worsening political environment, Utah is fortunate to have high-quality candidates willing to volunteer for public service. Chad Westover is no exception. His wealth of experience solving complex problems will ensure Utah continues to enjoy economic growth, balanced budgets and low tax rates. Chad knows that good leaders listen and he will effectively carry the voice of his constituents and community to the Utah Legislature. Sandy Republicans have been well served in District 42 and we need to keep this seat in Republican hands with traditional values. Chad is the best candidate to keep 42 red and bring common sense solutions to the state legislature. I encourage you to support Chad Westover for Utah House.”

 – Gary Herbert

Former Governor of Utah

Kirk Cullimore Endorses Chad Westover for District 42

Endorsed by Utah Senator Kirk Cullimore

“Chad is passionate about the success of our community and I am proud to support his candidacy for the Utah Legislature. Throughout his career Chad has proven himself to be an effective leader that is thoughtful, listens to others and is fiscally responsible. In the Legislature, Chad will always put the needs of his constituents and our community first. I encourage county delegates to support him and help keep this seat in Republican hands.”

 – Kirk Cullimore

Utah State Senator

Derek Brown Endorses Chad Westover

Endorsed by Derek Brown

“Chad Westover is the best candidate to be our next State Representative. He has an ability to build and maintain relationships while also having the policy skills to pass meaningful, conservative legislation. He’s the Democrats worst nightmare and will make sure that Republicans win in November. Having served as your legislator in this very district, I trust Chad completely to be our next state representative.”

 – Derek Brown

Former GOP Chair

Cyndi Sharkey Endorses Chad Westover

Endorsed by Sandy City Council Member Cyndi Sharkey

“Chad is the experienced leader Sandy needs in the Utah House. With a deep understanding of our community’s needs, he will advocate for effective solutions in air quality, transportation, education, and fiscal responsibility. Chad’s dedication and vision make him the right choice to represent us. Join me in voting for Chad Westover this June and ensure our voices are heard.”

 – Cyndi Sharkey

Sandy City Council

Community Involvement

I have been an active member of my community and have worked in both supportive and leadership roles. I have also been active in local politics as a state delegate for my precinct and actively involved in community service. I have included some of my community involvement milestones below. 


Executive Board of the Association of Community Health Plans

I’m also on the Executive Board of the Association of Community Health Plans


One Utah Health Collaborative, Community Board

I am currently on the One Utah Health Collaborative, Community Board member


Executive Board of Utah Foundation

Currently on Executive Board of Utah Foundation (non-partisan public policy research organization) for last 5 years (Chair of Utah Foundation in 2021)


Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce, Board of Governors


Utah Executive Team for the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society

I served on the 2020 Utah Executive Team for the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society, Light the Night event


BYU MPA Board of Advisors

I’ve been on the BYU MPA Board of Advisors from 2015-2018

Chad Westover Utah Family
Chad Westover registration

Proud to be endorsed by our State Senator Kirk Cullimore

Steve with Chad Westover

Grateful for the supprt of wonderful people in the community such as Steve Calbert!

Former Sandy Mayor Tom Dolan with Chad Westover

Me with former Sandy Mayor Tom Dolan while out knocking on doors!

Chad Westover

Utah House District 42

Chad’s STORY

Chad had an interest in government, policy, and politics early in life. When he was 15 years old, he filled out his parents’ sample ballots and got two more votes that helped elect Ronald Reagan to his first term as President. Chad attended BYU and, not surprisingly, graduated with a BA in Political Science and then later got an MPA at BYU.

After graduate school, Chad went back to Washington, D.C. and worked on Capitol Hill with Senator Hatch’s Health and Human Services Committee and then worked with another Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives focusing on health policy.

After his Washington, D.C. experience, Chad returned to Utah and worked with Governor Leavitt on health policy reforms to reduce cost growth and ensure accessibility to quality care. Chad’s final job with Gov. Leavitt was to help create the Utah Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). He was asked to be Utah’s first director of the CHIP program.

Since CHIP, Chad has been in the private sector for over 20 years now. Chad is currently the CEO of the University of Utah Health Plan, a position he has held for almost 10 years.

With this experience, Chad understands how to work with and motivate large organizations, he understands how to develop policies for a long-term benefit to the community, and he understands how to successfully work within the legislative process. Experience matters. And it matters that Chad has the experience to effectively represent House District 42 in the Utah Legislature.


Sandy has been my home for two decades within the past thirty years. During this time, my children have experienced the full spectrum of Sandy’s public education system. My eldest son’s journey led him to educate at Butler Middle School, and my daughter dedicated her time to supporting high school students through Safe UT’s suicide crisis hotline. My commitment to our community and its culture is profound.

As we navigate through the evolving landscape of our times, which brings both progress and challenges, I’ve witnessed the core values that make Sandy a wonderful place to live come under pressure. It is my intention, through my candidacy, to preserve and reinforce the Utah principles that are the bedrock of Sandy’s success.

The words that often echo in my mind are, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” In light of this, I present myself as a candidate committed to bolstering the positive attributes that define our neighborhoods, schools, economy, healthcare, recreation, environment, and moral standards.


At heart, I am devotedly a husband and father, roles I hold above all else. I’ve also been a steadfast Republican for as long as I can remember, with a passion for public policy that began in my adolescence. At the young age of 15, I was already actively engaged, filling out sample ballots for my parents.

My interest led me to Washington D.C., where I completed an internship with a conservative organization committed to advocating for freedom worldwide. Postgraduate studies took me back to Capitol Hill, where I served as a Research Analyst for the U.S. Senate Health and Human Resources Committee, followed by a role as Senior Legislative Aide in the U.S. House of Representatives.

After extensive experience in federal policy and politics, I returned to Utah, dedicating the past three decades to sectors of Economic Development and Healthcare. Now, I am eager to leverage my expertise, strong work ethic, and commitment to advocate for our community. I aim to uphold and fortify the values that make Sandy exceptional, and I see serving as the Representative for Utah House District 42 as the most effective way to contribute to our community’s future.